Thursday, May 28, 2009

In Response to Robins Eureka week #2

Taran G said...
I think that it's nice that your the type of mother who is happy when her children are happy. Truth is, there is no real danger in your daughter living with her boyfriend, so in no way is there anything wrong with your acceptance. I think that considering she was there all of the time already, it makes sence. Also, times are SO much different now a days. for starters, shes 26. Most adults that are against this were probably married by this age. I know my mother was already married and had me by that age. People get married later, but that doesnt change their maturety level at that age. Second, i think its SMART to live together before getting married. You see a different side of people when you live with them, there is no escaping arguments or bad moods, if they go to "their room to vent" its your room too. It fources you to see what it would be like if you marry this person, and being forced to face your problems or arguments right away. Also, with the divorce rate on the climb, I think that this is a way for people to get to know one another and see: is this really someone I want to spend the rest of my life with? What do they brign to the table, do they pay their bills on time, is their credit bad, are they an absolute slob while i am a neat freak. If anything I think that you have soemthing to be proud of. You are a mom who has managed to adapt to the new ways of life of other generations, you are flexible and realize what is necessary to get worked up over, and what isnt. Good for you.
May 28, 2009 10:30 PM

My Eureka moment Week #2

I should say that my Eureka moment is figuring out how to work the blog and I'm sure I would get a boat load of comments about it, but I'll refrain.

On May 18th I celebrated my one year relationship to myself. This may sound a bit ridiculous and some of you may even be thinking hoooww is that something to celebrate? Truth is, since I was a sophomore in high school, age 15, I have been in some sort of relationship. Last May, when I was 20 I broke up with my boyfriend, the day before our year and a half. I analyzed my life and came to this conclusion: after each person in your life, you change in some way. I had undergone one change after the other without ever rediscovering who I had become, I would just jump into the next relationship, building onto myself, never knowing who I truly was. So a year is certainly an accomplishment for me. I have learned more about myself than I ever could have imagined. This, however was my eureka moment of last year, not the one I wish to share with you today.

This past weekend I traveled down to Parkway Exit 0, Cape May. One of my very best friends who graduated 3 years ago works for CBS and had met her new boyfriend. For MDW he was having a party with his friends and told her to bring some of her girlfriends down, so me and one of our other friends went down with her. It was great, I got to meet her new boyfriend, and also got to meet my new friend. She was a completely different person. My once loud, funny, entertaining partner in crime had turned into a soft spoken, composed personality. I couldn't believe it! He was a wonderful guy, not controlling what so ever. Worshiped the ground she walked on. His personality was on the quieter side though. That made me wonder: does she like him to the point where she changes herself? To perhaps, be less intimidating?

Our other friend that traveled down with us was on her phone with this man she was absolutely in love with, but not dating. It so happened that he was a few exits away, staying in Avalon. He asked her to come visit, and right away jumped at the ... Opportunity? I was shocked to say the least. My two amazingly beautiful friends one changing for a man, and the other being at the beckon call of another. I couldn't understand why some women feel that life is incomplete with a man or significant other. I feel that my relationship with myself is the best one I've been in in a very long time.

To say the least, I had a great time but it's a good thing it was memorial day weekend and not 4th of July weekend, because there was absolutely no independence being seen but my own.

In Response to Yard Sale

I think thats interesting about your yard sale, but not surprised. Im not a parent so its hard for me to know for sure, but i predict that adults want their children to always be the best, whether it be accepted in society, or good looking. Therefore, it would make sense for parents to coach their children to play with the acceptable toys, act or react appropriately to situations, and many more things. It's for this reason that my original question is answered. As i was reading our assigned chapters, learning about how humans act or are raised. The book stated that some females have male communication skills such as being more assertive etc. and vice versa. I started to wonder if that had to do with being raised by a male or female, enter single parent. Would you think that if a single parent father is raising a little girl, would she be brought up to resemble his form of interaction, or would he feel even more compelled to push her in the direction girls are accepted in society?

In Response to Kesha about Marriage

Kesha,I admire you. You can tell you are a strong willed woman who doesn't do things to please others, yet doesn't avoid things to spite them either. You do what makes you happy. Most likely the reason your aunt approached you in that way is due to her age and generation. This is a new day and age where living together before marriage, having children before marriage, and even never getting married is a growing popularity.I feel its unfortunate for some women who constantly dwell on acceptance of a man, and expect that unless a man moves to the next step, its going no where, or he doesn't love them. In reality, maybe each step gets bigger each time (which is does) and as things grow bigger, it takes longer to move through. I think that its wonderful that you are a woman who is satisfied and trusting in your relationships that you dont feel it necessary to have a marriage license to justify your relationship. So many people get stir crazy, bored etc. With the divorce rate on the rise, i see no need for rushing or pushing someone into anything.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My post in response to Robin's and other classmates on Robin's Blog

Taran G said...
I agree with you on that one! The first time I went to the blog site i remember seeing a class page, with people in our classes names on the right hand side, now i can't seem to find it. It just lead me to Robin's page. And like you said, I really don't know if I set mine up correctly either. It's unfortunate I'm learning this now, when it counts as a grade. Hopefully theres flexability for improvment otherwise I'm in big trouble. I should have attempted this blogging craze alot earlier in my life. Maybe then i'd be better at it. lol
May 21, 2009 10:59 AM


Hey! My name is Taran and I am currently working on two online classes to finish my credits. I walked at graduation last Friday and feel a little nervous about heading out into the real world.
I chose this class because I have actually taken a class on gender in the past and loved it. I feel that it really opened my eyes to a lot of views and changed me thougths on a lot of things. For example, I have an aunt who is a homosexual. After the class, I felt that I understood her better and though I myself don't expereince specifics that she does, I feel that my understanding was improved once I read an article of an interviewed lesbian. She stated that she is commonly confused as a woman who loves women. In actuality, she was a woman who loved a person for their morals, personality, and beliefs and that peson happened to be a woman. If it had been a man, then she would have been in a relationship with a man. Once i had read this, I felt more comfortable with an understanding, and I hope to achieve a common expereince on knowledge from this class aswell.
As for the blogging, I must say I'm not sure about how to do this, and I hope that this part is done correctly. I believe we have to paste what we post on classmates blogs onto our own? So that is what I am going to do. If anyone has more information about this or sees that I am doing it incorrectly - by all means let me know! lol