Friday, June 19, 2009

response to Kesha Week #5

Taran G said...

Its funny how amazed guys get when a girl will look at porn. I guess its because they accept the fact that men are labeled as the gender who cant help but think about sex constantly, where as women, it's dirty or unheard of for them to act that way. I think that a lot of the reason for this boils down to the same reason why men are considered pimps if they sleep with large amounts of women, but women are slutty if they do.

Fact of the matter is, that woman would have been buying that as a joke for a bachelorette gift, herself, her husband - you never know, but it's def. obvious that men/boys/males in general are always going to be viewed as the ones who are immature and is expected and acceptable for them to act in certain ways and to do certain things. They embrace society's view and stereotype, I wonder how women would be viewed if we embraced societies view and stereotype that women are emotional head cases who cry, overreact, and dramatize every situation. What would the reaction be if a woman stormed around crying and spreading gossip and when approached about it, the woman just laughing and saying so? i'm a woman, thats what the sterotype is, so whats the matter with me acting this way? Which is basically how men react about their behavior. Would women be respected for it the way men are for their behaviors? Would it become acceptable?

...double-standards :-/

June 19, 2009 8:45 PM

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