Friday, June 19, 2009

Response to week #5 Maissa

Taran G said...

This is such a great topic! I feel like it's very debatable. I was talking to my guy friend last night and he mentioned how he didn't trust his last girlfriend, but if he and I dated he would trust me to do anything, and always believe me. says because I am such a straight forward girl, he realizes that anything I do, i'm eventually going to wind up telling him, and that he knows if we were dating I wouldnt do anything to hurt him. This may be because we have known one another for such a long time or because were good friends and he trusts me not to hurt him for that reason. I feel that it certainly makes a difference with how long you knew the person you are dating before you dated, see what their personality is like besides when its your partner, but also i think it depends on how much you offer in the relationship. I feel that the person who is less worried and jealous are the ppl who receive constant compliments and acknowledgment from their partner. Perhaps women enforce men with more compliments and tell them how they feel about them more openly, so maybe this is why it seems that it is men that are usually less jealous, but I feel that if a man gave a woman he is dating constant reinforcement, told her how much he loved her, cared for her, and how attracted to her he was, there would be less doubt in her mind and she would feel less threatened by her sig. other being around other women.

I do feel that I am guilty of a stereotype of that though, if its considered one. In the past I have had boyfriends that i get upset and feel insignificant and jealous when they talk about how another female is attractive around me, but I know that when I talk about how great looking a man is, it is commonly considered funny, and acceptable and i dont worry at all about my boyfriend being upset, because "men don't get upset like that". I guess that goes along with the whole, men not feeling they can show their emotions thing. Even i'm guilty of assuming a man doesn't bother himself with those types of aggravation or feelings.
June 19, 2009 8:18 PM

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