Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chivalrous Men!! - in response to Joan's Eureka Moment .Week #2

Joan -

I am SO happy you mentioned this. I don't mean this in anyway to offend feminists or anyone, but I feel that that is definitely a perk to being a woman. Now i have heard some women say 'I hate when men open doors for me, are you implying that I am not strong enough to open the door for myself?' - I just feel like views such as this are so negative. It almost seems like they are trying to make it so that men cannot do ANYTHING good/right/unbiased. Chivalry is a lost art now a days, and I wonder if it is for this specific reason. I can understand womens rights and equality and the need to feel included and respected, but in my opinion, a man isn't thinking, let me take this bottle of soda because she looks like shes weak and might break an arm. I have one younger brother, he is the only boy in the family other than my father. He has two older sisters, myself, and my younger sister and my mother. He is extremely polite and courteous to women and girls his age, perhaps because of the fact of us three being around him all of the time. I know for a fact that when he does something such as opening a door or helping a girl or woman, he is doing it because he feels it is polite, nice, and respectful. I know that if i saw a man open a door for a woman and the woman rejected with an accusation of degration i would most certainly say something. In reality not ALL men are sexist or shovanistic, some are honestly trying to be gentlemen, and I think the more we discourage men from this, the less frequently men will be willing to do nice things, for that simple reason - being nice.

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