Friday, June 12, 2009

Response to Tiffany's Eureka Week 4

Taran G said...

Ooohhhh man... Interesting. What'd be even MORE interesting is if this guy also believes that women should prepare the food as well, considering they can only "eat" certain foods.

Personally, I think it's frustrating when men think women should only eat salads and drink water with lemon. Especially since I am a women who likes good food! lol, seriously though, that goes along with the whole image of women. Women are "Supposed" to be thin, in good shape, eat salads, change diapers, clean dishes, etc.

I realize that a lot of these thoughts and views root from our society, but it makes me wonder, did this man grow up with any sisters? Female cousins? What was his mother like? What was his relationship like between his mother and father? I think family and surroundings have a great influence as well.
June 12, 2009 7:22 PM

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