Friday, June 19, 2009

Tonya's Eureka #4

Taran G said...

You know, It's interesting because I was reading an article the other day while at the doctors office, it was made by that man, the matchmaker on the show Tough Love. I recell, now that you brought it up, reading something in the "signs" signs meaning, signs your over doing it and what you need to do to fix it so a man will find you approachable, and one sign said something like... if you find yourself opening or holding doors for everyone, men or women. I thought that was kinda strange. My parents always taught me that that was the polite thing to do, and I felt myself wishing i could talk to this guy, that if anything, i would think - would make a man NOT want to be with you if you just walk through a door and not hold it for them, letting it slam in their face. I think it makes you look stuck up and rude. I don;t view myself as a princess or high above males just because i am female.

I DO believe there is a difference between area in the country and how men act, their thoughts on women. I have moved quite alot in my life. I have lived in New England-(Rhode Island), the south- (Virginia), the mid-west - (Ohio), and now the tri-state area- ( New Jersey). I have certainly noticed a difference in the way that men act and the way they interpret women. I feel that the South certainly are raised differently based on "respect" for women in the sense of the classic chivalry role, holding doors for women, standing up from a table when a woman enters a room or rises to be excused. Its interesting how some women may interpret this if not accustomed to it. Some women view it as, what ever you can do i can do also, or better, there is no need to open doors for me or give me special treatment. It depends on what you are surrounded by and how you were raised. I do feel that the north east is a bit more fast pace and less traditional, therefore making situations like this different from how other places would react or perform.

Thats a big reason why I find it strange when i read a book that groups "American society" as one. i feel that some things are acceptable in some areas, and unacceptable in others. Each place is very different.

June 19, 2009 8:33 PM

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