Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Week 4 Eureka - Men paying for everything

I was out at a bar last week. As I was in the bathroom, I heard these girls talking about how they were going to get guys to just buy them drinks and something about how the one man she was talking to earlier didn't offer to buy her a drink so she left and found someone else.

I feel that this is so unfortunate that there are women out there looking for a great guy, who'll talk to them and actually have a decent conversation with them, and then there are other women out there making ladies look like gold diggers, and uninterested unless you have money.

I can see how an educated woman would want someone who has intelligence and has a good life, not a bum on the street, however, why do some women concentrate so much on whether or not a man has money or not?

When I was in high school I worked at a tanning salon. We had an hourly wage but also made a percent of commission. We went to sales training for the beds and products we sold. I was working one day with this other girl when a man walked in from his beat up pick up truck, wearing construction boots, ripped jeans, muddy shirt, and needed a shave, bad! The girl who was working with me just laughed and said you can have this one. Mainly what she was doing ( or thinking she was doing ) was giving me a customer who wouldn't buy anything or didn't have money, and it would lower my average sales per customer.

I took the customer, and offered him the sale deals I did any other customer. He bought the $100 tanning lotion, and the most expensive monthly membership of $250/month. Besides the fact that her mouth dropped, which was lovely! I felt good that I didn't discriminate. Turns out the man was a huge contractor, and had an amazing amount of money. This just goes to show you, you can't judge a book by its cover, and you certainly can't assume you know someone. Turns out this man goes home each night to a huge mansion, parks his beat up truck in the garage, showers, puts on designer clothes and hops into his BMW sports car.

Its unfortunate that people are so judgmental. You never really know who your dealing with these days.


  1. Taran,
    I do agree with you that many times we judge people on the way they look or dress with out knowing anything about their lives.
    I remember one time I was in the pharmacy and a patient came with many prescriptions. and she didnt want me to do them because i looked different then the others by wearing my traditional scarf. she asked me to get her some one else, and when I told her that I can fill her prescriptions and I am the one who has to type them because that was my job, she looked at me in a scary face and she said "I don't trust you with my prescriptions". I felt so bad, but I went and I called the pharmacist to help her. After the pharmacist typed her prescription, there was a problem with her insurance so I called them and I fixed everything for her. When she got her medicine and the Pharmacist told her that I've been in the pharmacy for almost 5 years, and I never messed up any prescription and I was the one who fixed her problem with the insurance, she told me that she is very sorry for what she said, and she did that because someone who was doesn't look like american typed her prescription under the wrong name and from that time she only trust "white people". But after what I did for her, when ever she comes to the pharmacy she asks for me, and she still appologize for what happened before.

  2. I have to agree about the money situation. I have a large group of friends but there are a select few that like to go to bars and see how many drinks they can have on other people. I think its so rude to do that to someone i could never do that! I have a hard enough time when my boyfriend of 8 years wants to take me out for drinks and wont let me pay for at least one round let alone rely on other men i dont even know to buy all my drinks. Its hard to imagine that there are people out there that think they deserve things like that.
    The other topic you mentioned was discrimination, i see a lot of this as i work in a pharmaceutical company and we are constantly screening peoples health. I have caught myself on a couple occasions getting caught up in what i think a healthy subject should look like before i even take vitals or screen them and i know im not the only one of my team that has done this! One week we were screening over 100 people in 3 days and by the end of the second day we were so exhasuted. My fellow coworker had two more patients to check but before she started she blurted out "i dont trust this colored guy he looks like he could be really sick or packing a weapon". When she first said it my mouth almost dropped we had just screened over 75 people all of different race and backgrounds, most of which looked more threatening than this poor man and she had the guts to blurt out something like that. Well (like your situation) i took the patient and did all the screening myself, he turned out to be some big wig person who just helps out the pharmecutical companies in his spare time. When we were done with his visit he left and the next day he sent 8 pizzas with a note that said "to the lovely ladies in the screening department". Just goes to show like you stated you def can not judge a book by its cover!

  3. I very much agree with you. Perhaps this type of behavior is common in bars, of all places, since the attendance there has the potential to attract that type of behavior especially when the influence of alcohol is thrown into the mix. Bar behavior could easily be another blog altogether. Anyway, I think the bottom line is security. A lot of woman, and I hope I don't cause an uproar with this one, place security above other qualities in looking for men. I am speaking of the masses. However, I also feel that once women find that security, they then feel more in control of the relationship compared to the man. I think this may be referred to as a Stone Age behavior since the latent behavior has almost been claimed to be ingrained since the prehistoric era.

  4. Ok, I am going to admit I was one of those girls. When I was in my early 20's my friend and I liked to hang at this certain bar and guys would always buy us drinks. One day we were broke and wanted to go there and she said "who cares if were broke, they'll take care of us". There after it turned into a game, and since it was mostly regulars the guys didn't take it too far. We also had girls buy us drinks. We would walk straight up to someone and ask, "would you like to by me and my friends a drink, no strings attached" and it usually worked. We would converse with the purchaser and then move on. I actually met my boyfriend of 7 years this way. After we started dating the game ended.

  5. Taran,

    Yes, judging a book by its cover will sometimes lead you the wrong way. And what you learned from the tanning salon was a great example of this kind of situation that probably happens everyday. You sure did show the other employee a true lesson and hopefully she learned from it. But most people just judge others on how they look before giving them a true chance.
    As for the girls you heard in the bathroom, well some girls just want free drinks. But it's probably about the attention too. Some girls just want attention from the males in the bar arena. And to each their own. Not me I just would want to spend time with the people I came with and not with strangers buying my drinks.
